Handcrafted Copy and Storytelling

Nash Creek Radio

Nash Creek Radio is the podcast featuring John Terry of Nash Creek Industries.

Nash Creek Radio – Episode 3: Classic Pizza & Pasta

In 2016, Son No. 2 and I stopped for lunch at a pizza joint in Fairfield, Illinois. Classic Pizza & Pasta is owned by Steve Brake, a friend of mine from high school. In this episode, I describe how popping into that restaurant in Southern Illinois gave me a lesson about legacy.

Big thanks to Ben Tapia for letting me use some of his tracks for bumper music on the podcast. I met Ben 20+ years ago over a sandwich at Beefy King in Orlando — which is where all the best meetings happen. You can find his music on ReverbNation.

GET A STICKER: Nothing will get a “What the hell does that mean?” conversation started faster than a “Nash Creek Radio” decal. Order one here.